Solid-State Physics
1.1 ---- Introduction - Overview
1.2 ---- Introduction - Prelim
3.2 ---- Electrons in a Periodic Potential
3.3 ---- Nearly Free Electron Model
3.5 ---- Band Diagram - Summary
3.6 ---- Metals and Insulators
3.7 ---- Semiconductors - General
3.8 ---- Semiconductors - Intrinsic and Extrinsic
3.9 ---- Electrons in a Magnetic Field
3.10 ---- Semiconductors - Carrier Behaviors
3.12 ---- Depletion width of a pn junction
5.2 ---- Transfer Matrix Method
5.3 ---- Origin of Optical Properties
Note: This is a core course in the Electronic Engineering Department at Tsinghua. I have been teaching this course since 2021.